
Carbon fiber heater own advantage

indoor portable heater is the use of high-tech materials - carbon fiber heating element, designed and developed a new type of electric heaters. With a thermostat having a heating, heating function, as well as high far-infrared radiation, promote environmental protection, energy efficient, safe and convenient.
Divided into two, one carbon fiber heating panels, one is carbon fiber heating wire.
As people's living standards improve and carbon fiber heater own advantages, this new type of heating products increasingly by many consumers, in future applications, electric heating market will have great use of space.
For carbon fiber heater electric heating products that will enhance the larger space in the future, because the electrical heating is a use of electric energy to heat the house heating methods, along with economic development, electric heating as a safe clean, comfortable way of heating, has been identified as the national and local governments to improve the environment in favor of the management of urban air pollution, improve the quality of life of residents have a significant role.

