
Heater Profile

Heater is an internationally popular high-quality long-life electric heating equipment. For the flow of liquid, gaseous medium, heating, insulation, heating. When the heating medium under pressure by an electric house heater heating chamber, the use of fluid thermodynamics uniformly take tremendous heat generated by heating element at work, so that the heating medium temperature reaches a user process requirements. Electric heating is converted to heat energy in the process. Since the power supply can lead to thermal effect through the world on many inventors engaged in research and manufacturing all kinds of electric appliances. Electric development and wider application also with other industries, followed a pattern: from advanced countries gradually extended to the world; the progressive development from the city to the countryside; the development of the collective use of the family, to individuals; products from low-grade development to high-end. The nineteenth century the burgeoning electric appliances are mostly poor, first appeared for life electric appliances, in 1893 the first prototype electric comfort bucket and use in the United States appear, then use a microwave oven to 1909 appear, that electric heaterelectric house heaters is placed in the stove, that is transferred from firewood to electrical heating, from electrical energy into heat energy. After the invention of nickel-chromium alloy, but the rapid development of the real electric appliances industry, but it is used as heating elements.

